December 19, 2012


Whenever I have opened facebook today I have seen different posts and pictures regarding the rape case of Delhi, protests in varied languages and pictures. But do these guys really believe that giving a status update or sharing a picture can bring in a change to the society and rapes cases will never appear in the newspapers again or the rate of the crime will decrease? Have changes in history ever came so easily?
I tell you after a few days they all will be back to their normal life and all these posts will rot in their timeline. If they really want to act and bring a change why not study hard and become an IPS officer or rather join the politics and try and get elected in the Lok Sabha where they can make laws according to their will and make a better India.


Unknown said...

I am sorry but i have to disagree with you. Off course, it makes no difference technically, but only as much difference would it make as you have written something like this on your blog, when you could be doing that step first, yourself.

Unknown said...

When I posted this one, I knew someone would ask me to act 1st for sure.
Firstly, I would like to point out that I never posted any status against the rape case in form of a protest & therefore I was not demanding a change in society by a simple status update which does not put the responsibility of becoming an IPS Officer or something like that on my shoulders.
Secondly, what I posted was just a protest against the people posting status regarding the case & demanding a change.